Thursday, 30 June 2016


                                                                                e-lesson Plan

Natural Resources: Vegetation and Wildlife
Sub Topic
·         Natural Vegetation
·         Classification of Forest
·         Wildlife

4 Days
Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to       
*Explain the concept ‘Resources’.
* Explain different organisms included in natural vegetation.
* Classify the forest.
* Explain Wildlife Sanctuaries & National parks.
Learning Outcomes:
After reading this chapter the students will be able to understand:
·         The importance of conservation of wildlife and their need for future generation.
·         The need to preserve the wild life.
·         Value of natural vegetation for human beings.
·         The need of ecological balance.
·         Content flow:
1. Natural Vegetation             2.Classification of Forests                                     3.Wildlife
4. Steps Taken by Government                 5.Conservation                 6.Penalties
Teaching Strategies/Methodology:
Explanation, Mapping, demonstration, audio- visual aids, group discussion.
The teacher will explain:
·         The Natural resources: Vegetation & wild life with the help of visuals.
·         Different types of forests with the help of map.
·         Vegetation by showing the real leaves of different trees and plants its medicinal values.
·         The teacher will conduct a group discussion: ‘How to conserve the forest and wild life’.
The following videos will be shown to the students:                              
·         Pictures of various plants, trees, wild life sanctuaries, bird sanctuaries deforestation.
·         Newspaper Articles
·         Map
·         Videos
·         Scrapbook
·         Project work
·         Tropical
·         Mediterranean
·         Temperate
·         Mosses
·         Lichen
·         Rampant
·         Extinct
·         Poachers
Values intented to be inculcated:
·         Conservation of forest
·         Sensitivity towards wild species and future generation
·         Social responsibility
Assessment Techniques:
Project work: Collect some specimen of leaves from the neighbourhood and classify them on the basis of texture and size. Paste them in your scrapbook.
Rubrics: Relevance of content and presentation.
Map work: Trace the worldwide areas where we find different types of forests.
Rubrics: Accuracy.
1 Interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary activities
Make a project on ‘The role of Wild life Sanctuaries and on ecological balance’.

Social Science
Locate different types of forests on the world political map.
Science: Presentation, content, neatness
Social science: Accuracy.
High Achievers
Average Students
Slow Learners
1. Distinguish between Tropical Evergreen forests and Tropical Deciduous forests.
2. Explain the steps taken by Government to preserve the wildlife.
3. Describe the characteristics of Mediterranean forests.
1.Where are Temperate softwood forests found in the world?
2. Why Tropical Deciduous forests are known as monsoon forests?
3.Write three characteristics of Tropical Evergreen forests.
1.What is the common name of softwood forests?
2. When was the Project Rhino launch to conserve the Tiger population?
3. Name some animals commonly found in Mediterranean forests.

Follow up / Remedial strategy:
The Conceptual Errors:
- The concept of Natural Vegetation.
- Difference between Tropical Hardwood forests and Temperate softwood Forests.
- Difference between Tropical Evergreen and Deciduous Forests.
- Value of Conservation the wild life.
The Assignment Based Errors:
- Spelling mistakes
- Incorrect answers of the questions.
- Incorrect map work
Remedial Strategies:
- Practice would be given for correcting the spelling mistakes,  bring accuracy and neatness in filling the Map.
- Peer groups can be formed to help the slow learners.
- Corrections of the Mistakes will be done in their note-books.
Discussion of Conceptual Errors:
a.       Repeating the explanation of the topic.
b.      Adopting new techniques ex. visit to any park, photographs etc.

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